Tuesday, April 29, 2014


We just found little man's basketball pics from winter. They had been lost in the shuffle of moving. Look at that hair! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

In The Car

We have been visiting grandparents almost every weekend. We love being only an hour away. It's an easy drive and the kiddos don't seem to mind the trip! 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

5 Months

5 Months old already! 

I know I've said this every month but I really can't believe how much she's grown and how fast this time goes by! 

This month was a big one for her since we had both her baptism and Easter! 

She has completely mastered rolling over, pushing up and even pushing back! 

She is loving rice cereal, bananas and mum-mums (rice teething crackers). She's still not to keen on the pacifier though! 

Her hair is lightening up and growing longer. It's still so fine that bows slip right out! 

She is wearing size 9 months now! Her eyes have lightened up and are a bright blue. 

She has been really into her toys this past month. She loves chewing on them and always manages to find the tag. 

Her favorite toy is still her brother. She giggles whenever he looks her way. She thinks his dinosaur RAWR is hilarious and laughs and laughs. 

She also loves her jumperoo. She is a wild woman in it! 

She is our sweet and happy girl! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

(Notice the Easter basket contents onthe ground behind him!)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dying Eggs

Little man dyed eggs for the first time! We did it at grandma's house out on the back porch. He had a good time! 

Afterwards my dad showed him how to peel (and eat) the colored eggs. He really concentrated on peeling the egg shells! 

The Easter bunny visits tonight! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mall Play

Last week we played at the play area in the mall. He went down the slides over and over! He also liked climbing on all of the animals! 

Monday, April 14, 2014


Today we closed on our Conneticut house! It sold fast and while we were sad to leave, we are happy to be done with the process. I really loved the kitchen in this house. It had a giant granite island that we were always gathered around. I think that is what we will miss most about it. Next up: finding a house in Ohio to put an offer on! 

Here are a few photos from the listing.