Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches

For those who know my husband, you know he is a man that has to eat. And I don't mean a rice cake and diet coke. He has to have an actual meal, food with substance, at the start of every day. With early mornings and a sleeping baby, we needed to keep things as quick and quiet in the kitchen as possible.

So, I gave it some thought and was inspired by sandwiches we used to get back in Louisiana. They were a requirement for any meeting before 9am. The meeting's host would pick them up that morning at the local donut shop where they were freshly made and sitting at room temp. At the meeting you would grab your sausage-egg-biscuit, wrap it in a paper towel and microwave it for 15 seconds until it was piping hot. Now, I realize this doesn't sound earth shattering, but at 7 am on a Wednesday, they were pretty darn good!

So here is my recreation (tested and approved/adored by my Mr of course):

Break eggs into a skillet. Salt and pepper. Cook through/break yolks. Flip. Top with American cheese and bacon.

Place on an un-toasted English muffin.

Wrap in Saran wrap.

Throw in the freezer!

In the morning: unwrap Saran wrap, wrap sandwich in a napkin, microwave for one minute and enjoy!!

Tips & Tricks:
- make in batches
- before you flip the eggs, add a splash (approx tablespoon) of water to the skillet. It loosens the eggs from the bottom and the steam makes them fluffy.
- I used the pre-cooked, microwaveable bacon. Couldn't have been easier!

I think I may try the next batch with spiral cut ham. I also might experiment with cheeses (sharp cheddar, pepper jack?) I'll let you know what variations we decide to try! I have a feeling that frozen breakfast sandwiches may be a new staple in our house.

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