Monday, October 22, 2012

Straws in a Bottle

One of little man's favorite games is to put things in, take things out. Here's our latest creation.

Take one empty/clean puffs container and package of straws.

Remove the label and cut holes in the lid [Note: Little man had a really tough time getting the straws through the holes, even when I made them larger. I think they will be better for when he is just a little bit older than 14 months]

He really liked taking the lid on and off. Stuffing the straws in the bottle...

... and then dumping them on the floor.

Lots of fun!! He played with this for over 30 minutes a few different times.  (That means it was a giant success!!)
Here is a video of little man playing the "straw game."  Enjoy!


  1. Baby genius! I was impressed. He's growing up so fast!

  2. Somehow I missed the video....very cool! He is doing lots of problem solving!
