Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Taking A Stab At It

Little man loves ketchup! Which should come as no surprise considering he has aunts on both sides with ketchup obsessions. (Yes, full out obsessions. Literally, we have to stock up when either of them visits).

I prepared a gourmet meal for little man which consisted of frozen-then-microwaved chicken nuggets and a small side of ketchup. It was only right to hand him a fork and say, (in a British accent) "Your lunch, Sir."

Well, wouldn't you know, he picked up that fork like it was nothing and popped it right into his mouth! He self-taught himself how to use utensils! I took a video of it just in case you don't believe me.

Little man using a fork for the first time

Once the nuggets were gone, he moved onto the ketchup. Here he went for a hands-on approach, sans fork (ie fistfuls of ketchup!)  I guess it runs in the family!