First of all, I would like to give a shout out to my father-in-law, today is his birthday! Happy Birthday, Grandpa Mike!!
Now... to apple picking.
After soccer practice on Saturday, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts to pick up a hot apple cider... But they didn't have any!! So, on impulse, we decided to go straight to the apple farm! We picked our own apples, gobbled up an apple cider donut (little man washed it down with his beloved apple juice) and had a wagon ride. After all of this, we managed to leave sans apple cider! At least we have some fresh, crisp apples to munch on!
Pretending to eat the apple |
So serious! |
Look to the left... |
Now look to the right... |
Looking at each other |
Mmmm Mmmm |
3 feet tall! |