Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Birthday Grandma P!
Happy Birthday Grandma P! You are such a kind and wonderful grandmother to our little man and we know baby girl is going to adore you too! :) Wish we could celebrate your special day in person!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Halloween Card 2013
I made these on Shutterfly and sent out to our immediate family. Love that little pumpkin!
Card front:
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Downtown Trick or Treat
Our downtown area held Trick or Treating for Toddlers. All of the shops and restaurants opened their doors and passed out candy. Little man was excited to wear his costume (dinosaur) and RAWRed at everyone. There were a lot of kids and he was already exhausted from having soccer earlier so we kept it short and sweet. Looking forward to going around the neighborhood on Thursay!
Monday, October 28, 2013
End of Soccer
Saturday was our last day of Parent & Me Soccer! The kiddies played a "game" which was pretty cute. Little man likes running the best. I like when they warm up with jumping jacks first. Little man hops, pauses then waves his arms up and down.
After the "game" everyone got a medal. Of course the hubby hates the concept of everyone always winning but since they are TWO year olds he came around :)
Little man was SO proud of his medal. He was beaming when the coach gave it to him! He wanted to wear it the rest of the day.
They were also given a team photo which was pretty cute.
Next up: FLOOR HOCKEY!! We start next week and are very excited! (Personally, I am just glad it's indoors! Brr! There has been frost on the ground in the mornings!)
Here is the Thank You gift we gave to his coach. It is a mini Mason jar filled with peanut M&Ms and a Walmart gift card. Volunteering to coach a handful of toddlers is not an easy job!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
One of little mans favorite toys is his cash register. He loves to count the bills and coins and of course he loves to swipe some plastic!! Apparently this weeks paycheck amounts to 26 cents! I guess he has a hard time parting with his money!!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Nurse Thank-Yous
I made up these goodie bags to give to our labor & delivery nurses once we have baby girl. I included a bag of pretzels, almonds, twizzlers, snickers and a crunch bar. They ended up costing around $1 each since I had the bags and ties on hand.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Witch's Cauldron Bath
We did a Halloween bath theme that was really fun! Using Crayola bath dropz, green glow sticks, shaving cream and plastic bugs (from the Dollar Tree) we had a very green and spooky bath!!
Little man loved it. Pretty much because it combined all of his favorite things! He kept asking for more bugs. I'm afraid they might become a bath time regular for the next two weeks!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
We carved the pumpkin!! I thought little man would really like scooping the goop but he wasn't too excited about it. He did like separating the seeds from the goop though. He also liked lighting up the pumpkin on the front porch.
We used the hubby's tester medical devices to cut through the pumpkin. Fun!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
35 weeks
As of today I only have 33 days until my due date! So excited (and ready!!!!) to meet our baby girl.
Friday, October 18, 2013
The neighbors dropped off a Halloween surprise for little man! A sweet little bag filled with candy and PEZ. He loved flipping back the pumpkin head and popping them in his mouth!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Spray Painting Bubbles
We tried something new during bath time. We started out with a regular bubble bath and then I gave little man a spray bottle half filled with water and (quite a bit) of blue food coloring. He loved it. I wasn't sure if his hands would be able to spray but he had no problem. I was pretty worried it would stain the tub or his skin. It didn't and I was a little surprised.
I thought next time I would give him three different colors to play with but I think I will wait until he is a little older. For now we will stick with our tried and true bath paint!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Guitar Lesson
Little man loves to play with his toy guitars. He plays them and sings and dances. The hubs got out his guitar and showed it to the little guy. He was amazed! He really wanted to play it himself so we let him give it a try. So he received his first guitar lesson! Hubby showed him how to hold his left hand and strum with his right. He really worked it and was getting pretty good! He played it the rest of the night and cried when it was finally time for bed. He loves music! I think Santa might have to bring him a smaller toddler version this year!
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