Thursday, January 30, 2014

Colored Ice Cubes

We had a blast playing with colored ice cubes. I added food coloring to water and placed them in the freezer - very scientific!

We put the colored cubes in a little bit of water and used tongs to sort them by color. 

We practiced scooping them with a spoon and a slotted spoon. 

We kept testing the water to make sure it was still cold. Yep, brrr!

We stirred and poured and then stirred and poured some more. 

We added some regular, white ice cubes for a little contrast. 

The next morning the first thing he said to me was that he wanted to play with ice cubes... So we did it again with orange and yellow cubes!

Tip: as the ice melts pour out the extra water, otherwise you will be cleaning up major messes instead of minor ones #speaksfromexperience

Monday, January 27, 2014

Q-Tip Painting

I gave little man a q-tip to paint with and he loved it. He loves to dip things. The q-tips were just the right size for his little hands. We painted on black construction paper which he also seemed to like since it was something different.

He is very good at his colors now and knows them all. 

He really enjoys art projects and is very creative. Unprompted, he decided to roll the q-tip in paint for "something different" as he put it. He concluded however, "works better to dip."

And of course he wanted to wash his hands when he was done. He loves to wash his hands!!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snowy Day

Connecticut is COLD! It snows here all of the time, which my little dude loves. He asks to play in the snow even when there is no snow on the ground. So when there is snow on the ground, he's dying to get out there and doesn't want to come back inside!

Here he is begging me to come out and play with him...

He loves to shovel snow!

Meanwhile, baby girl is all snuggled up in her big, cozy sweater! 

Here she is almost asleep before we even get into the car...

And once in the car, fast asleep! 

Friday, January 24, 2014

2 Months Old

Our little lady turned two months old on Wednesday!

She was great at her two month checkup. Right now she weighs 12 lbs 12 oz and is 23 inches long. That puts her in the 81 and 73 percentiles! 

Her favorite things are being carried around in the Moby Wrap and tummy time on the boppy pillow. She also likes playing in "the rainforest" and loves bath time. She is very interested in her brother and is mesmerized by him talking to her. She talks and coos, which is very sweet. She smiles often and has been trying to laugh, but it comes out like more of a gurgle than a giggle. She is very ticklish and flinches when we get her dressed, especially when we put on her socks! She is a very happy baby and I love seeing her personality emerge. 

In the Moby Wrap... 

Tummy-Time on the Boppy... 

Playing in the rainforest... 

Watching big bro... 

Here are some more pics of her from this past month.. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baby Leggings

Before baby girl was born, I sewed her some little leggings. I used a pair of ladies knee high socks. You start by cutting out the heel and cutting off the toe. You fold the sole of the sock and sew it on as a cuff. It was one of my easiest sewing projects to date!

The leggings are stil a bit big on her but I think they will be cute for when she starts crawling around on our hardwood floors! 

And here are some out takes from our leggings photo shoot... 

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