Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Washing Little Hands

After little man plays outside (digging in the dirt and rock collecting), we MUST wash our hands. This used to involve getting out a kitchen chair and stretching his little arms to reach the water. But it wasn't enough, there was still dirt under his fingernails. His hands needed to soak.

So, I put some "kitchen trinkets" in a mixing bowl and filled it a third of the way with warm soapy water. (Kitchen trinkets are little baby safe odds and ends: a cap to the old peanut butter jar, a plastic Easter egg, a silicone baking cup, etc) This worked perfectly! Little guy liked searching for the trinkets in the soap suds, swirling the water with his hands, and playing in general. The key is taking away the bowl before playing with the trinkets turns into pouring out the water. We have been lucky so far!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!! Christopher looks so grown up, like a little boy instead of a toddler. He is really sweet. I love seeing what his day is like. Thanks for sharing.


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