Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Little man's cold is back already.  I thought he was over it this weekend but NOPE.  While he does seem to be feeling better, he is still a little bit stuffy.  This means that we have been inside and BORED. So I brought out some of our old 'Play Learning' activities and they were a huge hit (again).  After playing with Straws in a Bottle and Caps in a Bag, I decided to combine the two.  Voila!  You have Caps in a Bottle.

Note: These "caps" are those that twist off from baby food (and toddler) pouches. The ones we like best have both fruit and veggies. There are several brands, they all are pretty good. I run the caps through the dishwasher and save them for play. I don't save them all, I've kept maybe a dozen.

Well, naturally, 'caps in a bottle' led to 'caps in a box'

Which led to playing peekaboo with the box

So we had to re-group.  I took the caps, placed them in a plastic bowl and gave him a wooden spoon.  GENIUS.  He really liked this game. At first there was a lot of using the spoon to stir the caps.

He then transitioned to spooning out the caps. This required a lot of concentration!

After all of this playing, he was exhausted and took an extra long nap!

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