Monday, October 28, 2013

End of Soccer

Saturday was our last day of Parent & Me Soccer! The kiddies played a "game" which was pretty cute. Little man likes running the best. I like when they warm up with jumping jacks first. Little man hops, pauses then waves his arms up and down.

After the "game" everyone got a medal. Of course the hubby hates the concept of everyone always winning but since they are TWO year olds he came around :) 

Little man was SO proud of his medal. He was beaming when the coach gave it to him! He wanted to wear it the rest of the day. 

They were also given a team photo which was pretty cute. 

Next up: FLOOR HOCKEY!! We start next week and are very excited! (Personally, I am just glad it's indoors! Brr! There has been frost on the ground in the mornings!)

Here is the Thank You gift we gave to his coach. It is a mini Mason jar filled with peanut M&Ms and a Walmart gift card. Volunteering to coach a handful of toddlers is not an easy job! 

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