Monday, February 18, 2013

Bathtime Extravaganza

What started out as a normal bath ended up being quite an event! Little man was nice and clean and playing nicely soI decided to peek at my phone and check my unread texts. Well, they were for little man! Apparently he texted my mom, dad and sisters without me seeing. As I was laughing about this, I noticed lil man had taken the cap off the baby wash and had poured 3/4 of its contents into the bath water. Ahhh! Well, I guess we are having a bubble bath! We turned the faucet back on and made some suds!! It ended up being a lot of fun, so much fun that we had a "grand finale" at the end (a grand finale is when lil man pees in the tub -- it actually happens more than you would think and always signal the bath is over!!) So, here's to a good bath. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Aw so cute! Looks like you are pretty well settled and survived all the snow. Hope house hunting is going well!
    Love you


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